Other Police Services

Here are some services provided by the Bonney Lake Police Department. If you have further questions,  you may contact the police department at 253-863-2218.

File a Police Report
If you have an emergency please dial 9-1-1.

Collision Reporting

Who files a collision report? 
  • If a law enforcement officer investigates the collision you don't need to complete a collision report. The investigating officer will file one. 
  • If no law enforcement officer investigates the collision EACH driver involved must submit a report within 4 days of the collision. 
To file a traffic collision report, please click here

To request a copy of a collision report from the Washington State Patrol, please click here.

Non-Emergency or Not in Progress Reporting

If you need to file a non-emergency police report or not in progress crime, you can call our 24 hour, non-emergency number at 253-287-4455 for all of Pierce County.  

Fingerprint Services
    Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9-10am and 2-3pm. Walk-ins only

    $10 per card
    Exact cash, check, Visa or MasterCard

Must show ID

*Ink prints only. We do not do digital prints.
Concealed Pistol License

New CPL Application Process

Original CPL Applications must be processed in person. We accept walk-ins Tuesday - Thursday 9am-4pm.  

CPL Renewal Instructions

  • Per RCW 9.41.070, a CPL holder may apply for a renewal 90 days prior to their CPL’s expiration date and may apply for a late renewal during the 90 days immediately following their CPL’s expiration.
  • You may renew by mail - see process below or renew in person Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm. 
  • Washington State renewal applicants must reside within the City limits of Bonney Lake. Not sure if you are within city limits? Click here to find out.
  • In person renewals can be paid by visa/Mastercard, exact cash, or check.

Renewal by Mail Instructions:

  •  Complete the application from this link: https://dol.wa.gov/forms/view/652007/download?inline
  • Enclose a clear copy of your driver’s license with your current address and a clear copy of your expiring CPL.
  • Submit the application and supporting documentation via mail to:
    Bonney Lake Police Department Records
    18421 Veterans Memorial Dr. E.
    Bonney Lake, WA 98391
  • The application must be received within 90 days before expiration, or 90 days after the expiration date of the CPL in the case of a late renewal.
  • Please enclose a check or money order to pay the fees, made payable to the City of Bonney Lake. All fees are non-refundable. Processing will not occur until payment is received.

  • Renewal License – $32.00
    Application received within 90 days prior to current CPL expiration.
  • Late renewal - $42.00
    Application received within 90 days following current CPL expiration.


Med-Project Kiosk
Safely dispose of unwanted and expired medicines including medications in pill, capsule, or liquid form in their original container or in a sealed, ziploc plastic bag.

To dispose of medications:

1. Cross out or remove personal information from the medicine bottle or container.
2. Leave product in original container or place it in a sealed, Ziploc plastic bag.
3. Put medicine in the kiosk .

Not Accepted

Herbal remedies
Cosmetics or other personal care products
Medical devices including inhalers
Pet pesticide products
Illicit drugs
Boat Launch Parking Passes

Information on the Allan Yorke Park boat launch and parking operations is available on the Boating web page.

Vacation Checks
Vacation House Check is a free service for Bonney Lake city limit residents. Police staff will check on residence as staffing allows and has your contact information in case of an emergency.

To request vacation house check, complete the Vacation House Check form online or you can stop by the Bonney Lake Police Department in person to fill out the form.
Animal Control
Animal Control in the City of Bonney Lake is contracted through Metro Animal Services.

The Metro Animal Services shelter is located at 1200 39th Ave SE, Puyallup, WA.

253-299-PETS (7387)
email: [email protected]

For information on dog and cat licenses, kennel license or other animal control fees and services, please view the City's security alarms & animal licensing page.

Peddler License
To request a peddler's license in the City of Bonney Lake, please submit the Peddlers License application in person, with ID, to the Bonney Lake Police Department during regular business hours.

Radar Sign
The radar sign is a tool designed to enhance our efforts at getting the motoring public to drive within the posted speed limits. In the past, the department’s efforts have generally been focused on stopping violators and issuing infractions. This function was handled by commissioned officers. Unfortunately the number of infractions issued and the amount of accidents with speed as a contributing factor continually rise.

We are attempting to help educate drivers by making them aware of just how fast they are actually going. Most people need only a subtle reminder to stay within the posted speed limits. The radar sign serves as a proactive warning device, posting the driver’s speed in large, easy to read numbers. Most drivers who are speeding recognize their error and slow down. Those drivers who are speeding and choose to disregard the radar trailer are increasing the possibility of meeting one of our officers.

The goal of the Radar Sign Program is to make citizens more aware of speed limits in Bonney Lake and to enhance the safety of our roadways in general. CSOs (Community Service Officers) deploy the radar trailer in locations where speeding is a problem and/or safety is a concern such as in school zones. They then retrieve the radar trailer and provide the Program Coordinator with the SD card which stores the study’s data.

The radar sign is a mobile radar unit, similar in function to the hand held units of our officers, with a large digital sign that posts the driver’s speed.

Click here for Radar Sign Reports.  

To request Radar Sign deployment in your area, please click here.


Police Records
Police Administration

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm

Fingerprinting Hours:
Tuesday - Thursday
9:00 - 10:00am & 2:00 - 3:00pm

Public Safety Building
18421 Veterans Memorial DR E
Bonney Lake, WA 98391

Bonney Lake Police Department
18421 Veterans Memorial DR E
Bonney Lake, WA 98391

Phone: 253-863-2218

Fax: 253-863-2661

For emergencies dial 9-1-1

Dispatch/After-hours/Non-emergency: 253-287-4455