Meet Mayor Terry Carter
The Office of Mayor is a part-time position. Mayor Terry Carter works full-time for the Pacific Police Department as a Detective Sergeant. The Mayor's current term runs through the certification of the general election for November 2025.
The Mayor is assisted by a full-time professional City Administrator. The Executive Department of the City includes the Office of the Mayor, the Office of the City Administrator, the Prosecuting Attorney, Special Events, and the Recreation Program.
Mayor Carter's Biography
- Police Detective Sergeant
Professional Qualifications:
- Bonney Lake Deputy Mayor - 2 Years
- Bonney Lake City Council - 6 Years
- Bonney Lake Finance Committee - 4 Years (Chair for 2 Years)
- Bonney Lake Public Safety Committee - 4 Years (Chair for 2 Years)
- Certificate of Municipal Leadership
- Leadership the Westpoint Way
- FBI LEEDA (Law Enforcement Executive Development Association)
- WHIA - WA Homicide Investigators Association;
- WASPC - WA Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs
- AWC - Legislative Action Committee
Personal Views:
- I have a vision for the City of Bonney Lake.
I want to create a new set of Mission, Vision & Values, that set the City of Bonney
Lake apart from other cities. I want staff to feel valued and part of a family that
cares about them. I believe when staff feels valued they provide better service to
the community.
- I care about this community. We need areas where community can gather to
safely work, live and play. I want this city to be more than a giant strip mall. I
want it to be something we can be proud of.
- I have been a Bonney Lake resident since 2000. My wife is a “professional” volunteer. Our children are young adults and we enjoy traveling and spending time together.
- Seahawks - My wife and I have been Seahawks season ticket holders
since 1998 at the Kingdome. Both of our parents were season ticket
holders since 1976.